Dr. Brian Day @DrBrianDay Twitter

  • Past President Canadian Medical Association
  • Past President Arthroscopy Association of North America
  • Honourary Associate Professor University of British Columbia
  • 2014 Doctors of BC Don Rix Leadership Award

Dr. Brian Day named in Vancouver Magazine's Power 50

Dec 01, 2007

Vancouver Magazine

Vancouver Magazine Power 50 - #27
Dr Brian Day, President, Canadian Medical Association

[ N ] In the monotheistic world of Canadian healthcare, Brian Day is, if not a non-believer, a questioner. The Liverpudlian orthopedic surgeon (some of our finest seniors have him to thank for their new knees) founded his Cambie Surgery Centre in 1995—the first and largest private hospital in Canada—and has since become one of the country’s leading advocates for more private involvement in public healthcare, including contracting out services to reduce wait times and funding hospitals on a per-patient basis. This August, in one of the most divisive conventions in its history, the Canadian Medical Association installed Day as its new president. “Those who have studied or worked in other countries know there are systems with universal coverage and no wait lists,” said Day in his inaugural address. “They do deliver better care at less cost than here in Canada.” First job Delivering newspapers as a nine-year-old in Liverpool. 2007 Highlight Personal: birth of my first grandchild, Charlotte. Professional: becoming President of the Canadian Medical Association. Lowlight Several, relating to friends’ serious illnesses or deaths. Best advice To move to Vancouver (from England). Who do you bounce ideas off A few close friends, colleagues, and my wife. What makes you lose sleep Telephone ringing in the middle of the night. Favourite book Straight and Crooked Thinking, by Robert Thouless. Favourite vacation spot Maui. Who should be #1 Premier Gordon Campbell or Mayor Sam Sullivan